Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 3: Winter

Week 3: Winter

This was the scene outside my window this morning {death-wish icicles AKA "Deathsicles" ominously lurking above, just waiting for me to peek my unsuspecting head out the back door. I'm on to them.}


Ugh. It's that time of year again. You know what time I mean... that drab, dreary seemingly never-ending few months that drag on forever once the festivities of the holidays have commenced. When everyone {but me} has taken the Christmas tree down {mine still blazes in the window} and hunkers down for the stretch between now and springtime. I really do dislike this part of winter.

I love the beginning of winter, before Christmas, when the approaching holidays make everything seem golden and fun. Christmas carols play on the radio, the first snowfall inspires giggles and smiles instead of moans and groans, and kids and adults alike look forward to time off spent with family and friends over the holidays.

But then it all comes screeching to a halt, like bashing into a brick wall really, and we have the remaining dark short sunless days of January and February to look forward to. Ick.

Melodramtic? Me? Never!

Have I mentioned how much I really REALLY dislike this time of year?

The biggest problem for me is cabin fever. I like to be outside playing with PJ or taking him for walks, and it's nearly impossible when it's 20 degrees outside with a wind chill of even lower. Now of course we have other kinds of fun but I am looking forward to when that first hint of spring is in the air.

Faith... I have faith that before ya know it those first crocuses will be poking up from beneath the snow, "kiss me I'm Irish" t-shirts will be on display on the proud backs of men drinking Guinness in pubs everywhere, and pink bunnies along with fluffy yellow baby chicks will replace my Christmas tree {I'm kidding.}

I never put fluffy yellow baby chicks in my window...

Faith... it's what leads me to my next post {a blatant attempt for active readers of this oh-so-interesting and informative blog...}


  1. Spring in Florida may not be as dramatic as up north, but it's still welcome. I always feel like we're in spring when I see the azaleas in bud and bloom, the trees that lost leaves all in their pretty spring green new leaves, the grass greening up, just everything looking fresh & new!

    Eileen R

  2. Spring sure is about renewal, isn't it? Like the earth is starting fresh and clean again. And despite all my complaining it will be here in no time!

    I spent some time in New Orleans in the spring years ago- despite being somewhere I associate with "down South" and being hot- it still had that wonderful spring feeling to it!
